Sunday, October 21, 2007

I smell Christmas presents for everyone on my list!

If you've got $20 and a hankering to hear Jesus recite Bible verses, you're in luck. Wal-Mart is selling talking Jesus toys! The toy, part of one2believe's line to promote religion among children, preaches three memorable verses, including John 3:16, and the story of Jesus turning water into wine!

Listen to one satisfied customer's story:

"My child can use Barbie and Ken and pretend they are going to the beach or walking the dog, or they can have biblical characters and pretend they are feeding 5,000 and walking over water"

Okay, this is sad. If you want your child to learn about God, then take them to Sunday school and give them a coloring book; they'll pick up on it eventually. Don't buy them this talking Jesus figurine that's more likely to scare the Lord into them than inspire them to read the Bible.

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