Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Shake it like a snow globe

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals have launched a set of animated holiday e-cards to promote mockery and malevolence of animal-abusing celebrities, featuring--who else? Michael Vick.

The cards depict each celeb in his or her own snow globe world, participating in some activity that PETA deems cruel, i.e. wearing fur, hunting, skinning chickens. The user can select which card they'd like to view and click and shake the snow globe.

Vick's features the football star clad in an orange jumpsuit and football helmet, pacing the grounds of prison while security guards and growling dogs patrol.

Other celebs include Dick Cheney, Colonel Sanders and Kate Moss.

My personal fav is Mary Kate and Ashley Olson, which Peta has lovingly named "Hairy Kate and Trashley Trollson." The twins scream when they're flying through the air and return to a dancing position once you've stopped shaking, but then randomly some old man stumbles by and throws up on them, and they say, "How rude!" Any old school Full House reference gets an A in my book, whether the card is lame or not.

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