Such as? According to the Bier's newest complaint, Manson bought Nazi memorabilia (including swastika wall tiles), African masks made of human skin, the full skeleton of a four-year-old Chinese girl and the full skeleton of a 17th-century male in a wheelchair. He also allegedly used funds to pay roadies to move suitcases filled with "
The best part of this story, though, is Manson's response:
"And I would never spend my money on a Chinese girl skeleton. That would be crossing the line. It's a Chinese boy, for the record," Marilyn Manson, to MTV News.
And a little fun fact about Manson: he is currently dating 19-year-old Evan Rachel Wood, the doe-eyed star of "Across the Universe." Odd couple much?

*Note (posted Feb. 5) - To my surprise, this post has been one of The Jerc Store's most viewed, and while I'm pretty much indifferent to Marilyn Manson and his music, I would just like to let everyone know that the word 'freak' is being used loosely here. In an admittedly sad attempt to be clever with my headlines, all I could muster was a reference to 'Dope Show.'
And I wasn't kidding when I said I loved his response to MTV News; it's hilarious! But personally, I think Marilyn Manson relishes in the fact that people call him a freak, that's why he says things like that, so I doubt he'd be offended by reading my post, though I'm sure he'd be happy to know that he has so many fans willing to defend him against the evil bloggers of the world.
Thank you for reading, and please visit my main page: www.thejercstore.com
Where do you get this bull? Do you really have nothing better to do with your days, nights and probably life than to make things like this up??? Heard of the other blogger perez hilton (his name doesn't even DESERVE to be capitalised like a REAL human being)? Go to his site and you two will make the ugliest couple in the world and live happily ever after thinking you are better than everyone else and end your days broke and withered. You are a very sad human being and should do us all a favour and die.
Hey anonymous, thanks for visiting The Jerc Store and leaving a comment. It's much appreciated.
...though, I'm slightly confused. If you've read anything else I've written, you might notice that this entry contains a lot less editorializing than usual. Did I get something wrong? I'm pretty sure this was all over the news.
I'm surprised such a small story has warranted a death threat, though, unless...Oh my gosh-- is this Marilyn Manson? Oh my gosh everyone, look! Marilyn Manson reads my blog. I'm such a success!
Really though, I don't think it'll ever work between perez and me because, I'm a woman and neon hair is kind of a turn off for me.
And what makes you think I'm going to end my days broke? Actually, that might be the one decent point you made in your hateful comment, but hey, I didn't become a writer for the money anyway.
Thanks for visiting, please come again!
Ah, what more have we come to expect from dear ole Marilyn? None of us can honestly say we're surprised, and how it unfolds is to be between them. Still, it's interesting to think that the skeleton of a four year old boy could possibly be in the hands of Marilyn Manson. It could have been sarcasm, but are any of us really sure?
Love the blog.
Well wishes and all that jazz.
- Thumbs O' Fury.
P.S: Heh heh, "Thumbs O' Fury." That was a good one. I may just keep that...
Thanks for the post, 'Thumbs o' fury," haha. It's nice to see a constructive comment.
Thanks for visiting, come back again soon :)
Uh yeah we don't just visit this site to listen to you petty arguments, and your last little comment about his or her thumbs wasn't really necessary thanks
Ummm this is a different anonymousthen before sorry I just had to clarify that.
I'm confused, last Anonymous-poster, but I really hope you are not telling me what is and is not necessary to post on my site.
And if you're not coming to this site to read "petty arguments," please feel free to leave what you are coming here for, because I'd really appreciate the feedback.
Thanks for visiting, whatever your reasoning. Please come again.
hae i no that he is a freak and everthing i personally i think that his music is horrible but some people like it including one of my close friends. i'm not trying to say that your website is bad or anything but maybe people should just leave him to his own business. if he wants to be a complete freak - show, then thats his problem not ours!!
Y'all are welcome to your opinions but what y'all gotta remember is that some people do like Marilyn Manson, my boyfriend has gone as far as to say that he loves him and y'all need to realise that, while you may think Marilyn Manson is a freak or a loser or whatever, that he is a real person and people do love him. Like me. So yea express your opinions but try to remember that your opinions can hurt people sometimes.
Marilyn Manson is an awesome artist.. he is very smart and very talented.. like he's said before Marilyn Manson is a freak if you let him be.. it's in your head.. and you cannot trust the media for anything.. they turn everyones life into shit.. so i wont believe it unless Marilyn Manson told me himself.. and if the skeleton thing is true.. who gives a fuck.. it's a skeleton.. not like he killed the person or anything.. i think you people that see Marilyn Manson as freak has to look your selfs.. since his music is about how religon is corrupting our minds and how violent our world is.. i think you people need to stop stereotyping him.. he is not a freak show.. murderers, rapists, thefts, and terrorists are freaks.. it's sad how some people are bashing on him for being himself when theres worse things to worry about.. it's ok if you don't like him just don't make it huge because he has never done anything wrong he's probably a more reasonable and nicer person then me and any of you
TO the poster above:
I'm sorry. freak and evil are different. I'm a self-admitted freak, and I know one when I see one. Marilyn Manson is a freak. His music IS good, though. No one said freaks were bad, did they? And terrorists, rapists, etc. They're EVIL, not freaks.
To the poster:
I stumbled upon this while trying to figure out why my friends thought he was so hot. Frankly, I still don't know, but now I can use this against them. See, we have a Jared Leto vs. Marilyn Manson vs. Gerard way contest. I say Jared wins. XD He's the sex XD Anyway.
I find this... interesting.
To be honest none of us have anything better to do but to criticize each other but none of us are quite and clever as others to make millions off being a "freak" has to have a lot of balls because most you people would not have the courage to do it or genous t do it and paris hilton is the uglyist creacher on earth
MArilyn Manson is not a freak . Who said he was our problem? hes not a problem and if you dont like marilyn manson why read about him? he has millions of fans and one negative person is not going to change all that
his music is so great and i kinda think he is hot with the make up on of course
Oh my god! Seriously ive just been reading this discussion..ill admit i am very bored and have nothing better to do...But seriously!! Why spend all of your time arguing over why you don't like Manson?? Why even come on this site? and really if your not coming on here to read the arguments then what the hell are you doing?! Its really quite sad. And to be honest all you haters need to actually learn a bit more about him before you go shouting your mouth off because quite clearly you are all very ignorant. Marilyn Manson is amazing and really quite the maverick. Get your books out anonymous girls and boys! You've got some studying to do!!
Marilyn Manson is heading in the direction of Michael Jackson. He is becoming more and more eccentric, strange and obsessional. I had to laugh when a few posters said 'you have to learn more about him.' That is precisely what prompted this blog and barrage of comments - people learned something more about him!!
why are we all worrying about the definition of freak? We are ALL freaks, we are ALL fucked up. However, we all let a different side of us become our public side. His business is his business. Why are we worrying about it? If you went out and bought a skeleton, we'd be having the same discussion if it was blogged about. I think the only real conflict here is that Marilyn Manson has a different public persona, look, and set of interests than we do so we have to bash him. Does it matter who we're talking about here? If his most well known name was Brian Warner, you probably wouldn't bash him. Stop arguing about what type of a person he is and talk about the ACT of purchasing a skeleton. Isn't that what the original post is about? And as for Furious Thumbs or whoever the fuck you are, stop being a 40 year old blogger and open your mind to something that us Youngins are talking about.
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