Sunday, November 25, 2007

Looty pageant

Miss Ingrid Marie Rivera was crowned Miss Puerto Rico Friday, despite other pageant girls' attempts to sabotage her.

Officials are investigating several pranks against Rivera, including someone mixing a spicy substance into her makeup, causing her face to swell and break out in hives, and the theft of her clothes, makeup, credit cards and other belongings.

That's creative and all, but I probably would have just slipped a laxative in her breakfast.

Not even counting their ugly pranks, the other 29 girls must have been unsightly to not beat out a girl who's puffed up and covered in red blotches and missing her makeup.

Rivera, 22, will participate in the Miss Universe 2008 competition, but no date or location has been announced as of yet.

UPDATE: (from

Rivera was composed while appearing before cameras and judges throughout the competition. But once backstage, she had to strip off her clothes and apply ice bags to her face and body, which swelled and broke out in hives twice.

"We thought at first it was an allergic reaction, or maybe nerves," Rosario said. "But the second time, we knew it couldn't have been a coincidence."

SECOND UPDATE: (from Reuters)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I argee with the laxative thing, get a box of ex lax crush it up and mix it in her food. she'll be in full pant running for the bathroom