I've been following this show only since this season began, but the interesting format (which had contestants arrive on the weight loss campus in pairs and lose the weight together) and the fact that Tuesday is one of the only nights I'm able to watch primetime television got me hooked.
For the first time in Biggest Loser history, a woman (Ali, formerly of the pink team) lost the most percentage body weight on campus. Fellow female finalist, Kelly, joined Ali above "the yellow line" last night, leaving 'heavy hitter' Roger and Boston-boy Mark (aka "Mahhhk") up for elimination.
Amidst a season so full of twists and turns the writers probably lost weight, producers threw in one last snafu seconds after the final weigh-in: The contestants would not be voting off the last person--America would.
If you care at all, you can click here to vote for which man will join Ali and Kelly to compete for $250,000 during Tuesday's live finale.
If you'd like to see a woman win for the first time in the show's history, it would probably be in your best interest to vote for Mark, even if you hate him, because Roger is the clear cut frontrunner should America choose him to stay in the competition. And if you're sick of seeing Mark cry...well, too bad, because he'll probably cry if he gets the book. Or moves on. Or his brother comes on stage. Or they go to commercial.
Apparently, the trainers were a little pissed about this change in format. [click here to read what Jillian had to say]
I must say, of all the terrible reality television shows that I watch and cannot legitimately defend, this one is actually worthwhile. Look at how incredible those transformations are...
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