Wednesday, February 13, 2008

"Kid can't even read...T-T-TODAY, JUNIOR!"

You hear the one about the teacher who couldn't read, write or spell?

No punchline--this is no joke.

John Corcoran, who taught high school for 17 years in the Oceanside School District in El Paso, managed to pass each grade level without the ability to read, write or spell. He maintains that he cheated his way through high school and college (Texas Western University), going so far as to date the valedictorian and have a friend pass him essay answers through an open window during a test.

I mean, I know I slacked a bit in high school, but had I not been able to read, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have graduated. This is appalling!

His teaching methods were based on visual and oral presentations, and he used teacher assistants to do work on the board and read aloud.
"As a teacher it really made me sick to think that I was a teacher who couldn't read. It is embarrassing for me, and it's embarrassing for this nation and it's embarrassing for schools that we're failing to teach our children how to read, write and spell!" - John Corcoran.
Oh, but let's celebrate the fact that, at age 48, the guy finally took the time to learn how to read. This is almost kind of makes me question the legitimacy of this.

But ughh, this just solidifies my opinion that people are not put through rigorous enough testing and observation before becoming a teacher and shaping the minds of young America. And education majors/teachers, go ahead, tell me I'm wrong, but I know a handful of people becoming teachers that I would absolutely not want teaching my children in 10 years.

But then again, those people at least know how to read...I hope.


Anonymous said...

First off there is no Oceanside School District in El Paso, and Texas Western was not a University, it was a college. When it achieved University status, it was the University of Texas at El Paso.

No credibility here, so I cannot believe this guys claims.

Anonymous said...

Not sure where to post this but I wanted to ask if anyone has heard of National Clicks?

Can someone help me find it?

Overheard some co-workers talking about it all week but didn't have time to ask so I thought I would post it here to see if someone could help me out.

Seems to be getting alot of buzz right now.
