Tuesday, February 12, 2008

150 strangers, picked to sit in an audience

If it seems like 15 years since MTV's "The Real World" was...well, real, that's because it has been. And while you may have jumped ship on the abomination of reality that the show represents long ago, MTV is giving you a thrilling chance to indulge in its last 19 seasons. Come on, I'm sure you liked at least one of them...

The "Real World Awards: Roast 'Em and Toast 'Em," which airs March 29 at 1 p.m., will gather nearly two decades' worth of "reality stars" who simultaneously established and degraded themselves on a national stage...and probably some of those no-name, scrub Real Worlders as well.

The awards portion of the show will be decided by viewers. You can visit the Real World Awards Web site to vote for at least 13 categories, including Hottest Male and Female, Best Fight, Best Meltdown and Biggest Playa.

I must gripe for a moment about how I see this playing out. Because most people who watched The Real World in its prime years are now in their '30s, I have a feeling that all the new d-bag Real Worlders are undeservedly going to win. For example, Hottest Male will probably go to Alex from Denver, even though he's a major tool, but (aside from Las Vegas) that season had comparatively high ratings and it's fresh in people's minds. Plus, why aren't Irene and Steven from Seattle listed under Best Fight!? [click here to watch that fight!] That was the slap heard 'round the world, for reality's sake!

And no one should even stand a chance against Puck for Roommate from Hell, but that was FOURTEEN YEARS AGO. All current RW viewers know is that dumb, what's-her-name blond girl on this last season who pushed what's-her-name into a bookcase. Puck constantly disrupted the entire house and stuck his scabby fingers into the community peanut butter - that still skeeves me out!

I don't really care about this as much as it seems, but if you feel like taking a trip down Real World memory land, check out the voting and represent for the good old days. Or vote for the toolbags. I don't really care.

The reality special will precede the show's 20th season premiere--God help us--and feature tributes to both Pedro Zamora (San Francisco), who died from AIDS after the season aired, and Frankie Abernathy (San Diego), who died last year from cystic fibrosis.

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