WARNING: SPOILERSLast night's Project Runway episode proved one thing: this is
not the most talented batch of designers the show has ever seen, as originally boasted by Bravo.

Week three's challenge was to create a sophisticated look for
retired Giants running back Tiki Barber to wear as a Today Show correspondent. The designers were given $150 and two days.
First off--why the challenging menswear task so early in the game? I'm told that this is a PR first, but for some reason, I feel like they've already done menswear. Regardless, the results are atrocious.
This week, the workroom was a woman's (and gay man's) dream. First, Jack

decides to tear up his own pants to use as a pattern, and--not gonna lie--it was pretty nice to see him working in his underoos. Then, the group of hot male models enters and the designers tell them to strip down for their fittings. But poor Kevin, as a man and a straight man in the competition, he was probably the only one in the room who did not get slightly aroused.
Another special guest turned out to be Tiki's wife, Ginny, and "special" is stretching it. She was pretty much the dullest person ever to be seen on television. I loved Tiki when he was rushing for thousands of yards on the football field, but you couldn't get me to have dinner at their house for fear I'd fall asleep in the soup.

In preparing for the runway, I think Christian said it best: "There's gonna be so many things that are just
jacked up," and the judges agreed. Sweet Pea's oversized tie and reckless shirt honestly made that guy look like the runway show interrupted a sexual romp backstage (
left). Carmen's model looked like he was walking in hopes that the crotch of his pants wouldn't explode and give the gay designers reason to pounce. And I'm sorry, Steven's design made that hot model look like young George McFly.
Not everything was awful. The highest praise went to Kit, Jack and Kevin, who managed to fully cover their models in something that Tiki would potentially wear. Jack took home the win with his overly-striped pants/dress shirt combo, which I personally thought was loud and unattractive. Kit's design seemed the most Tiki-like, but Kevin's was my favorite.
In the end, Sweet P and Ricky were saved by Carmen's disaster of a design and lack of time (
below). I mean, she sent the guy down the runway with fabric wrapped around his neck.

Three down--12 to go. Make it work!
Episode 1Episode 2