Scientists in Ohio have seemingly created what they're calling "supermouse." The mouse can run for five hours without getting tired, eat like a pig without gaining weight, have loads of mouse sex and live longer than the average mouse. They're saying they are the mouse equivalent of Lance Armstrong--I'm not kidding.
The mouse's abilities have come from a simple modification of a metabolism gene that humans also have. Scientists are saying that it may be possible to use the findings to develop new drugs or treatments that could one day be used to "enhance" the natural abilities of athletes. So, an athlete with this gene will be able to bike up an Alpine mountain at top speed without getting tired, but it won't be cheating because it's natural?
According to scientists, the mice were different from birth; they "popped around the cage like popcorn," Professor Richard Hanson said (mice popcorn? ew). The supermice also eat much more than the non-supermice and are "very aggressive." I guess they have--dare I say--rat rage?
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