In real life --that is, the life that you and I lead-- news of Heidi and Spencer eloping in Mexico broke Nov. 24, just three weeks before this episode aired. Meanwhile (in Hillsland), Lauren and the crew are saying goodbye to Whitney, who is about to leave for a new life in New York City. But, we've been seeing promos for Whitney's new show, "The City," for at least three weeks now and the show premieres in two. How is that they'd already shot, cut, edited and shipped all the footage for Whitney's new show essentially before she's left?
Did that explanation make sense to anyone? No? Okay, try this one out then...
Heidi and Spencer go to Mexico. One night they're drinking--

If they were taking the shots at night and decided on a whim to get married at night, how was the wedding that they're seemingly discussing "the morning after" shot in daylight?
Could this mean that The Hills is --OMG-- fake? Did they do something like this to --GASP-- improve ratings?
[UPDATE] And hey, previews for next week's season finale show Heidi and Spencer making their elopement legal in a courtroom, but apparently that was filmed after hours and is likely not real either. Haaaaaa.
Thanks, Geoff and Stef!
1 comment:
i didnt undertand the wedding either! i was confused how they walked away in night, woke up in the morning, and had been married during the day on the video! it was all very weird
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