Saturday, December 27, 2008


No, I'm not sick, but I am moderately convinced my laptop came down with some sort of virus Christmas Eve. Luckily, (I think) it's all better now -- I just didn't turn it on for three days (hence the brief hiatus) and hoped it sorted itself out, which pretty much guarantees something worse will happen in about 10 minutes.

Hope everyone had a good holiday. Who's looking forward to 2009?? I am if it'll bring me a new job, more money, increased relaxation time and a slight drop in lbs. Oh yeah, and if that recession thing could go away, that'd be hot.


Anonymous said...

Wow!! You pretty much just listed all my hopes for 2009. Nice work!

The Jerc said...

thanks for visiting, startedliving! hope all your hopes for '09 come true :)