Monday, March 10, 2008

And God said, 'Let there be solar panels!'

The Vatican is getting hip to the times, yo.

The city is going green namely by adding photovoltaic cells on buildings to produce electricity. Apparently, it's been a huge issue for Pope Benedict, who has said that issues such as climate change have become gravely important for the entire human race.

And the Vatican's energy resources aren't the only thing getting a face life: Archbishop Gianfranco Girotti spoke this week about his thoughts on a number of new-age sins, which include causing environmental blight, drug trafficking and messing around with genetics.
"(Within bioethics) there are areas where we absolutely must denounce some violations of the fundamental rights of human nature through experiments and genetic manipulation whose outcome is difficult to predict and control."--Gianfranco Girotti
I guess Cake was wrong--Sheep won't go to heaven. Guess it's looking better for the goats.

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