Tim took the crew on another field trip to reveal the challenge, and at first, it seemed like it was going to be an S&M design challenge with all the moaning and slamming going on behind closed doors. Instead, the doors opened to reveal six feisty W.W.E. Divas, in mid-scripted fight.
The best part of this episode was the "If I were a W.W.E. Diva, I would be..." conversation that sparked up in the workroom, which would be from where this entry's title originates. While Sweet P's
And generally, it's acceptable for a woman to lose an arm wrestling match (sorry ladies, it is), but shame on Sweet P for losing to Christian. Yes he is (arguably) a man, but come on, girl...
The abridged version of the work room - big, scary, buff women being fitted. Sweet P's model wanted all the bells and whistles--we're talking Queen of Gaudy-ville here. And of course, Rami was super sour about the tackiness of the challenge, whaa whaa. Your name isn't Ricky, stop crying.
Chris and his model both discovered their love for leopard print and he sent her out in some sort of half-hoodie, animal-esque look (below, left) that the judges went ape for--this week's winner. Christian went with the 'Leather and Lace' look (below, center), Fleetwood Mac anyone? Chaa, just kidding. And Jillian's look also got some kudos (below, right), but I think it's mostly because her Diva was the hottest. Wait a sec...the entire show is made up of women and gay men, nevermiiind.
At the bottom of the barrel this week were Sweet P, Rami and Ricky. Sweet P was criticized for not giving her model a big enough robe (below, left), but I don't think I bigger robe would have helped that thing, like, really. Rami's design was so incredible hideous, and if I didn't dislike Ricky so much, I'd have wished for him to go home. Seriously. It's ghastly!
Maybe Ricky didn't get the memo that they were designing for W.W.E. Divas this week, because he sent some sort of tropical bathing suit down the runway, a design that we've so totally seen in like, last year's swimwear line. And with that, the judges FINALLY gave Ricky something to cry about.
10 down--five to go. Make it work!
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
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