But now, "You'll shoot your eye out, " sexy leg lamps and the phonetical pronunciation of "fragile" (fraaah-jeeel-aaay,--must be Italian) are Christmas staples, especially thanks to TBS and TNT's 24 hours of "A Christmas Story" -- a tradition that began in 1997.
Love it or hate, the movie has become a holiday tradition: Last year, the movie marathon brought in 4.4 million viewers - about 1/6 of the American population. Pretty ridic.
And if you have any interest in reading the original movie review for "A Christmas Story," click here.
So, enjoy your holiday and sing "fra-ra-ra-ra" as you enjoy 24 hours of Christmas classic -- I triple dog dare you.
Jerc, Jerc, Jerc...
I wouldn't usually do this...but since it is my field of study...
The US population is over 305 million. If the 4.4 million viewers stat is correct, then you could say that around 1 out of every 100 Americans watched it.
Perhaps a more impressive statistic. The population of NJ is somewhere around 8.7 million. So maybe say...It would be as if 1 out of every 2 New Jersey residents watched the film.
Just my thoughts....LOVE YA!
thanks for the clarification, oh-wise-one. I wouldn't want to narrow the stat comparison just down to NJ because my readers span the globe, but thanks for the perspective! :)
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