Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Dream a dream of this lovely lass...

It's the new Internet sensation, but if you live under a rock and haven't seen it yet, please watch this clip from Britain's Got Talent. I find it hard not to weep, and I promise you it's not over the way this woman looks...

I couldn't embed the video for copyright reasons, but Susan Boyle, 47, certainly made her mark this week with her appearance on the original "American Idol"/"America's Got Talent" show. 

She's no looker -- and she probably turned a few stomachs with her sexy hip swivel in Simon Cowell's direction -- but Boyle sure can sing. Pretty amazing.

1 comment:

Katfox said...

i don't really get the hype with this lady.. i don't think she is outrageously ugly, just not 'pretty' in media standards. i also don't think that performance was outrageously awesome, just a really good take? people are only hyping up how good she is because how ugly they think she is. if some standard looking woman took that lady's voice it wouldn't be any big deal