Our company's satellite offices (ours included) are all being closed
In another dated movie reference, it's kinda like the Titanic just hit the iceberg and it's only a matter of time til we're all floating dead on planks of wood in the middle of the ocean. God, I love that I went to school for journalism. I mean, I knew the money was awful (my academic advisor told me that the guy who worked across the street at 7-Eleven would make more), but the economy --and the Internet-- are eating my industry alive.
Basically, it's not good... but my one laugh today came after reading an e-mail from my fellow reporter (and blogger), entitled "6 Emails You Get When Your Company is About to Go Under." Check it out and see how many apply to your job, and if it's a lot...start applying to other jobs.
Do you think anyone would notice if I made that last image my wallpaper?
Hey Jess! It's Maggie! Didn't know you blogged.
Sorry to hear about your job troubles. =( Best of luck in your meeting with the Bobs.
And Office Space references will never be outdated, I say! :)
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