Now I don't usually do a weekly update of The Hills (mostly because I usually catch a rerun over the weekend), but tonight's episode left me with a lot of interrogative thoughts:
- Why does Spencer want to marry a girl who kind of looks like his sister (Stephanie, right)? Then again, he and his sister looks creepily similar...are Heidi (left) and Specer related? Ooh--that could make a nice scripted twist for next season!
- Why are Heidi and Spencer 21-going on-35? "Don't you dare lea--if you leave, don't come back! SPENCER!" Please...You guys are young and (somewhat) attractive living in Los Angeles! You should be chugging Grey Goose and waking up with some strangers' overly priced designer clothes on!

- Did Brody get some extremely bad haircut just prior to the filming of this episode? Not only did we see him more in this episode than any other this season (now that Lauren decides to fall for him), but his backward black cap was doing nothing but making his head look ungodly square...but I guess that's fitting for his character, eh?
- And that next week's episode is the season finale, is The Hills production team praying for the end of the writers strike? I will they create such a horrendous, but terribly addicting script if the strike doesn't end? At least we have a nice rehashing of footage this Sunday during Lauren Looks Back: a 2-hour movie event.
Nice recap. I haven't been able to get into this show yet...sounds semi-intriguing. You do a nice write-up
I <3 the Hills. Always will. I will probably be 30 something with two screaming kids and I will still be watching the show.
Heidi is starting to get the right idea. There is NO WAY she should marry that arrogant prick. And p.s. his sister is a bitch and DEF looks like Heidi. Strange a little?
Pray for another season. Lauren has said that she can't do it much longer, but I hope that it comes back. It's my guiltiest pleasure.
Many thanks for an explanation, now I will not commit such error.
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